Sunday, May 20, 2007

Teammates' blogs that I have commented on

My teammates have written very interesting blog posts and these are ones that I have commented on:
My comment on Theresa Bartley's Ireland edit
My comment on Kristen Mastrola's blog on HTML
My comment on Julie Schreiber's Virginia Tech post

Last edit about hammocks

My last edit to the page about hammocks was about sailor's using hammocks. Hammocks were used in the navy because sailors are able to sleep in them and not get knocked off of their beds due to the water. I added that many sailors would bring their hammocks back ashore because they were so used to sleeping like that. This is how hammocks became an item of leisure. This is a picture of men using hammocks on a US navy ship.

Where you can buy Cusquena

In my latest edit to wikipedia about Cusquena, a Peruvian beer, I added a website to the external links section that is a website where you can order this beer to the US. Since I returned from Peru, me and a friend have wondered where we could get some Cusquena. We couldn't find anywhere that distributes it, so I thought this would be useful for people looking to buy this beer.

MCS edit #3

I just edited the Motion City Soundtrack wikipedia page. I added the track lists for their two albums, "Commit This To Memory" and "I Am The Movie." Once again, my first edit got deleted from the article pretty quickly so we'll see if this one lasts. These are some pictures of the album covers. They are great albums, you should check them out.

Final Weeds Edit

For my 4th and last edit of the Weeds article, I added actors that will be appearing in the 3rd season, set to air on August 13, 2007. Although I don't want to know what is going on in the 3rd season because I don't want to spoil it, it is interesting to find out new actors and characters.

Typewriter and QWERTY

While learning about standards in class, the QWERTY example came up. When the typewriter was first invented, there were glitches, making it hard to type fast without the keys getting stuck. Trial and error led to the development of the keyboard layout we're currently familiar with, with the top row starting with the letters QWERTY. I think it's funny that this also allowed for a sales gimmick- the salesmen could impress customers by quickly typing out the word TYPEWRITER since all of the letters are on the top row. Although this keyboard wasn't the most efficient, it was so successful because it was the standard and it didn't make sense for people to learn a skill that wasn't the standards among offices, etc.
I can't imagine what the world would be like without certain standards in technology. Standards are so important for efficiency and it is something that people overlook, which shows how easy and simple they make our lives.

Learning HTML in class

The other day in class we learned the basics of HTML. I had learned a little bit about HTML in high school, but it always seemed more complicated then it was in class. It is an important skill for people to have and should probably be looked at more in classes. It's very easy to make simple websites, and I'd be interested in learning how to make a more extensive site.