Sunday, May 20, 2007

Teammates' blogs that I have commented on

My teammates have written very interesting blog posts and these are ones that I have commented on:
My comment on Theresa Bartley's Ireland edit
My comment on Kristen Mastrola's blog on HTML
My comment on Julie Schreiber's Virginia Tech post

Last edit about hammocks

My last edit to the page about hammocks was about sailor's using hammocks. Hammocks were used in the navy because sailors are able to sleep in them and not get knocked off of their beds due to the water. I added that many sailors would bring their hammocks back ashore because they were so used to sleeping like that. This is how hammocks became an item of leisure. This is a picture of men using hammocks on a US navy ship.

Where you can buy Cusquena

In my latest edit to wikipedia about Cusquena, a Peruvian beer, I added a website to the external links section that is a website where you can order this beer to the US. Since I returned from Peru, me and a friend have wondered where we could get some Cusquena. We couldn't find anywhere that distributes it, so I thought this would be useful for people looking to buy this beer.

MCS edit #3

I just edited the Motion City Soundtrack wikipedia page. I added the track lists for their two albums, "Commit This To Memory" and "I Am The Movie." Once again, my first edit got deleted from the article pretty quickly so we'll see if this one lasts. These are some pictures of the album covers. They are great albums, you should check them out.

Final Weeds Edit

For my 4th and last edit of the Weeds article, I added actors that will be appearing in the 3rd season, set to air on August 13, 2007. Although I don't want to know what is going on in the 3rd season because I don't want to spoil it, it is interesting to find out new actors and characters.

Typewriter and QWERTY

While learning about standards in class, the QWERTY example came up. When the typewriter was first invented, there were glitches, making it hard to type fast without the keys getting stuck. Trial and error led to the development of the keyboard layout we're currently familiar with, with the top row starting with the letters QWERTY. I think it's funny that this also allowed for a sales gimmick- the salesmen could impress customers by quickly typing out the word TYPEWRITER since all of the letters are on the top row. Although this keyboard wasn't the most efficient, it was so successful because it was the standard and it didn't make sense for people to learn a skill that wasn't the standards among offices, etc.
I can't imagine what the world would be like without certain standards in technology. Standards are so important for efficiency and it is something that people overlook, which shows how easy and simple they make our lives.

Learning HTML in class

The other day in class we learned the basics of HTML. I had learned a little bit about HTML in high school, but it always seemed more complicated then it was in class. It is an important skill for people to have and should probably be looked at more in classes. It's very easy to make simple websites, and I'd be interested in learning how to make a more extensive site.

Diva Marketing's 3 Year Anniversary

Diva Marketing, one of the required blogs for class, celebrated its 3 year anniversary yesterday. I didn't realize that this blog had been around for so long, but it makes sense why it has been so successful. This blog emerged before blogs were very popular, and has proved to be beneficial to all those involved. The creators have even been quoted in books such as "Naked Conversations." Blogging really has become a major part of marketing, and sites like Diva Marketing make it possible for people to communicate easily on different topics, and express their ideas. Hopefully these kinds of sites will give people good opportunities and teach people how influential marketing through blogs can be.

More about hammocks

I just edited the history section of the hammock article, noting that in the New World, hammocks offered safety to people because by sleeping in a suspended state, they could avoid harmful animals such as snakes, and also protect people from unsanitary conditions of the time and dirt and water. Hammocks are comfortable and highly functional!


For my 3rd edit to the Weeds article, I added the official MySpace page for Weeds. You can be myspace friends with Weeds, watch clips, listen to music and funny lines, and learn more about the show. I had fun looking around this myspace page. Here's the link to it, check it out.

Hammock Edit #2

I added to the history of the hammock section, noting that Europeans were first introduced to hammocks after Christopher Columbus brought many back from Spain from islands in the present day Bahamas. I thought this was interesting because in all of the history I've learned about Columbus' voyages, it never would have crossed my mind that hammocks were one of the things that he returned to Europe with. Just another great example of good exchanges between cultures.

MCS edit #2

I just edited the wikipedia article for the band Motion City Sountrack. I added their contact information so any fans could send them an email. The last edit I made to this page, which was a list of upcoming tour dates, was deleted so I'm curious to see how long this one lasts. You can check it out here.

Wikipedia Edit #3 for Cusquena

Today, I added to the external links section of the Cusquena page. The only site listed was the official site, but since it is in Spanish, I also listed the Cusquena site for the UK.

Comments on a Slashdot post

On, someone wrote about a girl high school girl who racked up a text messaging bill of over $1,100 in one month for having used almost 7,000 text messages. Although this is the most extreme case I've ever heard of, so many kids have the problems of going over their monthly allowance of text messages. Personally, I've never used too many minutes on my cell phone, but i have used too many text messages. Many people use unlimited text messaging, and people like this definately should.
The comments on this blog were mostly about parenting and how these days parents can't discipline their children without being accused of abuse, so not allowing kids to text message would probably be seen as too harsh in the eyes of some people. It's hard for me to comment on parenting, but something like this situation should definately be punished in some way.

You can check out the post here

I had never heard of this website before, but in class we just read an article about It's a social news website created by Kevin Rose, who is now being called a visionary for coming up with this great website. The way it works is that articles get "diggs" which are user endorsements and if an article gets enough, it makes it onto the homepage for everyone to see. Site users decide which articles to put up, so it's a democratic way to find news. I think that these days people like to be very interactive and participate, so this website fits into what people want really well.

In class the creator of came in to talk to us. It was a really impressive story that he told. He and his family have always been "bargain hunters" and he started the website as a way to inform people like him about good deals on the web. Each day, the site shows the "catch of the day" and other coupons and deals. It's a great site to check out and can be really beneficial to companies participating in it. You can check the site out here:

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Wikipedia Edit- Weeds

I just made my 2nd Wikipedia edit about the show "Weeds."
The show's theme song is called "Little Boxes" and was originally performed by Malvina Reynolds in the 1960's. The first season plays her original song as the theme song for every episode, but the 2nd season has a different artist playing the song. Some of the artists include Death Cab For Cutie and Elvis Costello. My edit to the page was listing these artists in order of episode featured in the Miscellaneous section.
You can see the page here:

Wikipedia Edit- Hammocks

My most recent wikipedia edit is about hammocks. I really enjoy hammocks so I thought it would be interesting to learn about their history. I added information to the history section about the materials that hammocks were originally made from. You can see the page here:

Monday, May 7, 2007

Wikipedia edit- cusquena

I just made my 2nd edit to the wikipedia page for Cusquena, a Peruvian beer. It's harder than I thought it would be to get information about this beer, but with translating pages in spanish I am able to find some. For this edit, I wrote about an event that I read about called the Cusquena Open, which is a tennis tournament that occurred in December of 2006, that is going to become a yearly event in Peru. I'm sure that these events will be a very good marketing and promotion strategy for the company. I am curious to see if Cusquena ever becomes more popular in the US, as it seems to have become fairly well known in the UK. You can see my edit here:

Wikipedia Edit- Weeds

Weeds is a show on Showtime about a fictional California suburb called Agrestic, and the distribution of marijuana throughout the town. The main character, Nancy Botwin, became a widow, and made the decision to start selling marijuana to maintain the lifestyle the she and her two sons had become accustomed to. In my wikipedia edit, I added the two soundtracks from the show that have been released and the track listings for each of them. I have always enjoyed the music in this show. Here you can see what I added:

Sunday, April 8, 2007

wikipedia edit #2

My most recent wikipedia edit was for the page about the band Motion City Soundtrack. They are a pop punk band that I've been a fan of for a few years. I've seen them live a couple of times and I think they're great performers. In my edit, I made a section for the most recent tour dates. The band will be touring places in Europe such as London and Paris. You can see my edit here:


On the Diva Marketing Blog, I learned about scrapblogging. I like to put pictures on the internet of me and my friends, or trips I go on, but I typically use yahoo photos. A lot of people also like to use programs like webshots. These are easy and convenient but not as versatile as scrapblog. On the website, you can take a quick tour of how to use the program, and its very easy. It's like creating a scrapbook online, and you can even add videos, music, and narration. Changing backgrounds, rotating pictures, adding borders, colors, clipart, etc is so easy and can make pictures a lot more interesting to look at. After watching the quick how-to video for the website, I will probably try to make a scrap blog for some of my photos.

cell phones on airplanes

Everyone knows that when you fly you're not allowed to use your cell phone for the majority of the time that you're on the plane. I always wondered what the actual reason for this was, and how dangerous it could really be. There are interesting blog posts on Slashdot regarding this.
One of the reasons stated for this is that it gives the airline the ability to manage the crowd better, especially in the case of a dangerous incident. This makes sense, because even on a standard flight with no problems, a certain amount of cooperation is needed between the customers and the workers. The same person said that the airlines also like to keep passengers ignorant about the ground conditions.
Other arguments were that it was a way for the airline to make more money from the phones provided in each seat and that a call from the air would require the phone to use up too much bandwidth from too many cell towers.
What the public is generally told is that a call could interfere with other systems on the airplane.
I think that if cell phones really were a danger, passengers would not be permitted to take them in their carry-on luggage. Everyone seems to have their own opinion on this matter, but I'd be curious to find out what the real reason is. Either way, I don't think that it's too big of a deal to not use a phone for a few hours.

Monday, February 26, 2007


This past January, I studied abroad in Peru for 4 weeks. We traveled all over... we were in Lima, Cusco, town in the Andes Mountains like Huaraz, and in the Amazon. The beer that we drank most while we were down there is called Cusquena, so I decided to edit the wikipedia page about Cusquena because there wasn't much about it. Although most of the information online about this beer is in Spanish, I was able to add some facts. Hopefully I'll be able to do even more research and learn more about it.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

my blog

I'm a junior marketing major at the University of Delaware, and this blog is an assignment for a Information Technology Applications in Marketing class. Here's the website for the class:
I'll be writing about my wikipedia edits and also my bloglines account.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

blog #1

Here's my first entry.